Bitcoin is Beyond Money

by Singe Optimiste | Aug. 21st, 2020 | vol.5

A Network of People

Bitcoin is a network of people sharing a common belief. They believe an absolutely finite digital set exists.

We decided to join because we understand why digital scarcity is worth our time and energy. We see value in manipulating scarce information.

We run nodes because we don't trust each other blindly. We verify. We run nodes to make that digital scarcity real.

When we use Bitcoin, we are actively trusting the intelligence of our fellow human being. We trust he understands the value of scarce information. We trust he understands us.

Bitcoin forces the "self" to recognize the importance of the "other". For there is no utility in manipulating the purest form of information if there is no one to share it with.

A Network of Minds

Two people using Bitcoin are mind-connected whether they know it or not. They align themselves without using any words. They agree on what they fundamentally believe to be valuable.

This common agreement is the starting point of a fundamental process. The birth of a network of connected minds and consciousnesses.

The same fundamental process that fuels life.

Life has always been about different entities interacting with each other. Networks. Be it ecosystems, organisms, fungi, cells, humans, neurons.

From these networks emerge consciousness. From consciousness emerges self-reflection. From self-reflection emerges the need for meaning, reassurance and certainty.

We invented many abstractions to fill this need of certainty throughout history. God. Rituals. Religions. Mathematics. We build those abstractions upon absolute principles. Faith in God. Axioms in Geometry.


An Absolute

Bitcoin is beyond money.
Bitcoin is humanity's latest claim on an absolute principle, an absolute certainty.

Except this time, the absolute principle directly connects minds. There is no intermediary, no subjective representation of a God to disagree on. There are nodes and rules. Nothing in between. We connect or we don't. We share that certainty or we don't.

Bitcoin transforms the "n-to-1-to-n" principle to a "n-to-n" principle. Following network and life principles.

What is Bitcoin, you ask?

Bitcoin is human consciousness trying to trust itself to the level of trust we grew in mathematics or God. That's Bitcoin.

And it all starts by collectively manipulating an absolutely finite digital set.

Now, if you ever believe you or I have understood anything, please don't. Instead, go round and round my friend. For the truth lies in the circle.

Thank you for reading,


Singe Optimiste is a simple man on a simple mission: sharing knowledge about Bitcoin. He believes knowledge is power and he believes people should be empowered. He's now leveling up his game to start a full-time career in Bitcoin.