Savage Bitcoiners: Interview with HODL Tarantula

by Pirate Beachbum | May 21st, 2022 | vol.17

Name: HODL Tarantula

Country: Many


How long have you been into Bitcoin and what got you interested?

Been mining since 17'. I found Bitcoin was the common denominator and the only thing shitcoiners wanted in exchange for their garbage tokens… So I looked further into what bitcoin is and fell down the rabbit hole so to speak.

Best Bitcoin experience and worst Bitcoin experience?

So my best experience with bitcoin is the first time I sent money to my family across borders without the help of a bank. And then the best bitcoiner experience with other bitcoiners was BitBlockBoom and all my fellow plebs chilling and grilling together! 

The worst experience was trying to buy mining equipment. The first few runs were interesting, 2x resulted in closed bank accounts and 3x frozen eBay accounts. To be fair though, that was trying to obtain mining equipment and not a direct bad experience with bitcoin.

What is the biggest fail you have seen in the Bitcoin world?

QuadrigaCX, MtGox… Many exchanges have failed and the list is long. Anyone who has the ability or knowledge to self-custody but doesn't do it, is a walking talking epic fail in my eyes.

How did you get into Bitcoin Mining?

Once I came to understand bitcoin via caccacoins (shitcoins) and what it was, I decided to dedicate my life to its success and supporting its growth. I knew about distributed systems and automation already, so its inevitability was in the back of my mind right away. The best way I could think of building or supporting at the time was to buy an Antminer R4 and plug it in.

What has mining taught you and why should more people learn about it?

Mining has taught me more about engineering efficiency into systems than any other fields I've worked or studied in. Myself and other off-grid bitcoin miners are by far the most effective and efficient when it comes to using energy of last resort that this world has ever seen.

Others can only benefit from learning systems efficiency implementations. It helps everywhere from getting ready in the morning faster to organizing the refrigerator.

Where would you point people who are interested in starting to mine?

I would direct them towards a handful of Telegram channels that have been privately established, where the plebs who have built this from the ground up and have every experience from a single S9 to multiple Megawatts of asics all running on one network. There are electrical engineers, pool operators, Conex Container builders, ASIC vendors, ASIC monitoring firmware and repair channels as well. It’s a verified honeypot of knowledge. Then we have Bitcoin Twitter where plebs like myself are happy to help out. There are no dumb questions and my DMs are always open.

What do you think is the biggest threat to miners?

Aside from their country trying to confiscate the hardware, which is harder to do in some countries than in others…

Mining pools could be viewed as a potential bottleneck for legislation as well, and potentially pose a threat. I would recommend focusing on opsec by implementing a VPN and mining via Encrypted DNS to Stratum V2 solutions like Slushpool has.

Who is the biggest Bitcoin sell out that deserves to be put on blast?

Craig Wright. 


Remember you can't spell "trader" without "retard".

Why is it important to call out the bad actors? 

Why?… All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do or say nothing… I will not let evil succeed.

What do you think about this latest pull back in Bitcoin?

I think there are a lot of people selling bitcoin, and like their epidermis, their ignorance is showing.

Where do you see us heading in the next year?

In the next year i think we will see many politricks champion Bitcoin and a push for mining to be renewable and partly off grid/flare gas, so they can champion ridiculous climate control initiatives. But the reality is POW Bitcoin mining is the most energy efficient and hands down ESG play the world had ever seen. It just destroys the nasties in the upper echelons of the fiat legacy system, and that's why it's been demonized the way it has.

What is something you wish you had learned earlier in your Bitcoin journey?

Energy efficiencies in power sources, along with their associated costs, and operating agreements. 

You are also into permaculture. Why do you think Bitcoiners tend to gravitate to this?

Low time preference and a related mindset is paramount for success in both permaculture and with bitcoin, so I believe for this reason you will see an abundance of like minded individuals in the bitcoin overlay.

What are some permaculture projects that you are currently working on and most proud of?

I'm growing a riparian buffer(a vegetated "buffer-strip") that dampens the sound of all my asics, and helps retain soil near the creek at the base of the massive hill near my private mining ops. I also have a fresh run of blueberry bushes and a new spot I'm scoping for a perennial garden, where I'm about to build a raised bed out of extra stones I have on the property.

What do you think about the latest implosion of LUNA?

Shitcoins gonna shit.

Me and many others have been calling out this noise for exactly what it is for years. I'm not surprised one bit.

What shitcoin do you think will be next?

What's the other one that's like Terra and Luna? (hahahahahaha)

Who are some of the most hardcore Bitcoiners you know and why?

There are a few out there that have my respect. They know who they are and why.

Why do you think people shit on Bitcoin Maximalists?

Because they are projecting their self hatred for having a cup that's already full. An inability to admit to themselves that it's time to digress, that possibly they didn’t have all the answers… This is hard and painful for them. Not self aware and very sad.

What Bitcoin startups or companies are you most excited about?

SHAmory, the bitcoin game for kids. It is so important for kids to understand Bitcoin and why it’s important. Otherwise they will be doomed to a fiat fate.

What are your goto Bitcoin storage options?

ColdCard, BitBox02 bitcoin only edition, Passport by Foundation Devices, Seed Signer w/ MultiSig.

Any tips you want to give to people new to Bitcoin?

DYOR. Do not be afraid to ask questions. And question EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE.


Name some of your favorite information sources and/or podcasts in the space?

Bitcoin Audible by Guy Swann

The Blue Collar Plebcast by LC_HODL


Any final words of wisdom?

We got too many yuppy wannabes already froofrooing around out there…

FFS stay humble, stay pleb, and WGMI!! 



Pirate Beachbum has been into Bitcoin since 2014 and doesn’t consider himself anyone special. Over the years he has written dozens of articles about Bitcoin, and interviewed many of the top minds in the space. Most people know him from co-founding a rogue group of Bitcoiners, who call themselves the Bitcoin Taco Carnivore Plebs, with his good friend Hodlonaut.