A Lesson in Humility

by Young Sat Stacker | Aug. 21st, 2020 | vol.5

There is no doubt in my mind that if Bitcoin succeeds, it will make the world a better place. 

Objectively. In fact, it already has in many respects. But if it really succeeds, to the extent of hyperbitcoinization, then its positive influence on the world will be immeasurable in so many facets;

  • a sound money

  • true digital scarcity

  • the separation of state and money

  • defunding of government warmongering

  • the next phase of the internet

  • a currency for all humanity

  • one step ever closer to a united human race.

But Bitcoin is bitter-sweet for me. 

I humbly ask you take a step back for a moment. Step back from Bitcoin Twitter, look up from that Bitcoin book, from the amazing online think-pieces, from those incredible podcasts (how is all this stuff free btw?!?). Come out of the rabbit hole, squinting at the light. Re-enter that world you lived in before you found salvage in Bitcoin. That old world.

Now think about what has to be true, and what has to happen, for hyperbitcoinization to occur.

We would have to be proven right, that our monetary system is fundamentally broken. That central banks have backed themselves into a corner, of which there is no way out. That the collapse of the economy (whether it comes in the form of inflationary fireworks, or a deflationary depression) is inevitable.

All very well you may say. No need to worry, the world has Bitcoin! But look back at that old world again, the one you lived in before you fell down the rabbit hole. Where you would be right now if you’d never discovered Bitcoin; working, living, being happy, but oblivious. Where there are no early adopters of Bitcoin.

If we are right about all of this, and this economic calamity must come to pass for the majority to realise the merits of Bitcoin and hyperbitcoinize, the severity and scale of the hardship that will be felt around the world is incomprehensible.

When the clusterfuck that politicians and central banks have created finally collapses in a heap on the floor, ordinary people will be left holding the bag. Millions will lose their homes, their livelihoods and their ability to provide for their families. Lifetimes of savings will vanish. Some countries will fall into unrest, violence will erupt on streets around the world. Tragically, people will lose their lives. This year in the US, we’ve glimpsed a small precursor of what could be to come.

Let’s be clear, we are witnessing a monumental change.

A global financial and monetary revolution is underway, and by fuck is it needed. Something on this magnitude has to be painful, and people will get left behind. There is no other way. And the world will be a better place when we come out the other side.

Bitcoin has been a lesson in humility for me.

It is a revolution so enormous, a movement so great, and by some gigantic stroke of luck, little old me clumsily found it. Even in 2020, we’re considered early adopters and innovators. This will change soon, and it fills me with great pride to know that one day, I may be able to say that I played a very small part, in a very big thing.

And so, I ask you too to practice some humility. If that day ever comes, when the old monetary systems are crumbling and the world is scrambling for Bitcoin, while you sit on your stack, don’t feel guilty. You didn’t cause the awful mess. You simply saw what was happening and had the foresight to invest your time in the alternative. But at the same time, be humble. Take a second to think about how you got there. Thank your lucky stars that somehow you stumbled upon Bitcoin before most others.

And be kind to those who weren’t so fortunate.


Thank you, Jeff Booth, Daniel Prince, Preston Pysh, Robert Breedlove, and countless others, for opening my mind and sending me down the rabbit hole.

Young Sat Stacker is an anon on Twitter who believes in fair and transparent money. He hopes that Bitcoin is the answer, and he’s learning a lot, stacking sats just in case this thing catches on.