Where Are We Going?

An In-depth Explication of the Realities of Bitcoin and Fiat Money

by Levi Johnson | Mar. 21st, 2023 | vol.21

Things exist as distinct from sentient beings; however they still exist in reality. Since they exist in reality, it behooves us to detect their existence in — and relationship to — reality. When a person grasps the deepest realities of things, and money as an object and subcategory of things, it remolds the worldview a person takes. Their perceptions of what’s real and what isn’t real changes, and this ennobles them with the moral force (conviction) necessary to fight for what’s right, and crush those forces which resist reality at every turn. 

Evil exists, and it will destroy you and all you hold dear if you let it. Therefore, you must strive for an accurate and precise understanding of reality, more accurate than that of those who seek to usurp your understanding of property, of material things, and money.

God said, “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge”. Therefore I want to explicate for you the knowledge of the reality of Bitcoin and fiat money in this article, that can upon your appropriation make you a formidable force for good that no one can stop. 

This article may challenge you in intellectual ways that you’re not used to, or it may be somewhat easy for you. Either way, if you take the time to ponder and discuss the ideas here with other trustworthy, intelligent, truth seeking people, I believe an upgrade is in store for you.


Level 1: Money as Spiritual Substance

Reality is fundamentally spirit in substance, so money exists first as spiritual substance. Spiritual substance exists as a field of potential that can be used and formed at will by people to create something new, or modify what exists. The playground of these creations or modifications is the imagination. In a world of spirit, what exists comes into existence at the speed of thought. 

Since spirit is more real and harder than that which exists physically and psychologically, money first exists as a spiritual substance. As Robert Kiyosaki says, money is an idea. An idea is spiritual, psychological, and material, and money as spiritual reality is potential form beyond the speed of physical light. 

What is spiritual can be instantiated in psychological and/or physical images, words, musical notes, feelings, and numbers. Money first exists as a spiritual substance instantiated in numbers, imbued with meaning. It existed as spiritual potential in numbers before humans created them, because they exist embedded in the nature of reality as a form of meaning named value. 

Meaning is one of the spiritual substances of reality which cannot cease to exist, because it exists through God, who cannot cease to exist. Therefore, if no sentient being can stop meaning from existing and cannot stop humans from accessing and converting meaning into form, then value, no matter how subjective it might be according to the context and preferences of the user, can cease to exist as a substance of distinct meaning. No one can stop value from being instantiated, among other forms, as numbers which themselves cannot cease to exist. 

Money then, at a spiritual level, is meaning as value plus form (and form is the same as boundaries). This is the bedrock of money that no person and sentient being, regardless of how hard they wish it weren’t real, can change. And any person or sentient being who resists this reality will find themselves destroyed. But I digress. 

The degree to which money has spiritual integrity will be the degree to which it does no harm. And to the degree that the money is disintegrated spiritually will be the degree, practically speaking, that it harms the spirit of a person. 

When you grasp that money is first spirit, and that its spiritual substance is value plus form, you can begin to relate to money as it is rather than what it seems to be.

The Truth and Light of Money

Money that speaks truth is hard. The information that money communicates exists on a spectrum of real to unreal, or truth to lies. The more the choices that are made in that system come from reality itself on a spiritual and practical level, the harder that money. The term “hard money” is used often among Bitcoiners and other people, but what does it mean on a meta-physical level? 

All monetary meaning and form contain degrees of purity to the extent that the choices and actions of that system of money contain truth. The less truth that a money system contains in its meaning and form, the softer and less substantive it is. The less truth and the more lies are used in the workings of the system of money, the further separated it is from reality. Reality fundamentally is the hardest substance that exists, so the hardest monetary system is that which most instantiates reality itself. 

A monetary system and the numbers of that system that adheres to reality, or is deeply imbued with and abides by reality is hard because it, aside from God Himself, is the hardest substance that exists. People break themselves resisting, crashing against, or chafing against reality all the time on spiritual, psychological, philosophical, physical and emotional levels. 

As Kris Vallotton says, “you don’t break the law, the law breaks you”. I would humbly amend his words to say, “you can’t break reality, reality breaks you”. Money and the system from which it comes is undergirded by spirit and philosophy.

Philosophy is the love of wisdom, and wisdom is maps of reality. When those philosophical maps undergirding the money system aren’t based totally on what’s most real naturalistically, psychologically, and spiritually — that is, the 1st principles of all things that is interweaved to create accurate maps of reality — then that monetary system has devastating and destructive effects on people, places, and things. 

Most people, immersed in the relatively brief timeframe of their lives, seldom if ever notice the suffering they are encountering through their implicit and explicit involvement and agreement with the beliefs undergirding a corrupt money system. There are spiritual, psychological, physical, relational and financial repercussions from integrating yourself with a money system that isn’t full of truth, that is, full of reality from its very foundational layers. 

Notice that for any system of money, because people are driven by a need to survive and thrive, they will instinctively take on the behaviors in relationship to that system that align with the incentives and constraints that will benefit them the most. There is, in some sense, nothing wrong with that. Why wouldn’t I act in alignment with a system that will benefit me, enabling me and mine to survive and, at least in a material sense, thrive? 

All things being equal, people tend to do what they need or want to do to survive and thrive, so I’m not making an argument that people stop participating in the monetary system of their context. I think the entire complex of the US dollar is rife with corruption and lies. But for many years I didn’t understand the unrealities of the fiat system.

By becoming aware of the spiritual realities of money, a person comes into awareness of what they are participating in and how they are being affected by it. They also wake up to how the monetary system influence their decision making about time, relationships, and even the fundamental story they are telling themselves and others about their lives. 

We can’t necessarily change the system of money we are living in, but it does behoove us to be aware that it IS having a deep, instinctive influence on not only our outer worlds, but in our inner worlds too.

If you use money that is filled with reality (truth), then in some sense that money is a manifestation of perfect information, a kind of meta-physical light. Since truth means “nothing hidden,” what conditions spiritually exist that reveal all things? 

Light is the substance that illuminates all things, and that proceeds from your spirit to your psyche and body, into your outer world and relationships which enables consciousness. It gives you the ability to choose where to focus your attention, and how to use your attention to attend to those things which are meaningful and important. 

If the spiritual monetary system you’re using has in it — or even at its very foundation — one or more lies upon which and with which it was built — then to some degree if not totally, that spiritual monetary system and the numbers and values which represent it contain darkness. And when you interact with that monetary, meta-physical reality it puts some measure of darkness into your being, creating noise and confusion in your psyche and body. 

When I shifted a large chunk of the capital my wife and I had over to bitcoin, and then to self custody, there was a noise within me that went almost totally quiet. I came to realize that the US dollar system has a big lie at its base: “All monetary spiritual value belongs to the government, and we can do with it what we want.” 

This belief is antithetical to reality, and since each person is composed of spiritual, psychological, and physical reality, people are being violated by the lies underpinning their monetary system. 

A monetary system cannot help but be spirit at its base because a monetary system without meaning in the form of value of numbers ceases to exist. A monetary system with no boundaries (form) cannot hold value. An example of this is a monetary system that is being inflated away by a governmental thief. 

Whereas a monetary system with boundaries can hold an infinite amount of value, because numbers’ capacity to hold value expands depending on the amount of value people put into it. The amount of value a number holds is always the same as the amount of perceived value of its users. But what enables a person to see the value of what exists is their consciousness, which is enlivened by light itself. Therefore, to the degree that a monetary system is light is the same degree to which it contains value. However, the degree to which a monetary system holds lies in the form of darkness is the same degree to which that monetary system is corrupt and therefore worthless. 

Put another way, the more real money is the more valuable it is, and the less real it is the less value it holds. 

Therefore it is imperative that a monetary system contains 100% reality, which is light and truth, philosophically and spiritually. Otherwise, it will injure its participants to the point where they may watch all that they’ve worked, saved, and invested evaporate rapidly.

If a monetary system is undergirded and deeply integrated with reality, it is an immutable existence of value and form in numbers containing light and truth. With such a tool, there is no reason why people cannot make Earth into Heaven, unleashing human flourishing through all corners of the planet.


Level 2: Money as Philosophical Substance 

If spiritual substance is the bedrock of money, a spiritual protocol if you will, then the next protocol layer must be that of philosophy. 

Beliefs come before choices. If those beliefs are integrated, that is, manifestly the same as what reality is in articulated form (words, sentences, paragraphs and ideas), then it’s a protocol of philosophy that will work now and in the long run.

If it’s not a protocol of philosophy that is as similar to reality as possible, or even contrary to the nature of reality — then no matter how intelligent sounding it may be, it is a house of cards that can lead to the destruction of many people. I’m looking at you John Maynard Keynes, who has destroyed more lives with his unreal economic philosophy than Karl Marx could ever hope to achieve. 

The fundamental philosophy of fiat money is, “You’re not allowed to own anything”. Ownership is what’s most fundamentally attacked in government money systems. However, the way that state money systems get away with stealing the purchasing power of the people is by building their system on a lie that is very deep and very big. Most people aren’t even aware they are operating in a type of reality distorting Matrix that is extremely difficult to perceive, let alone break out of, in order to take a different, reality-based course of action. 

Notice that the objective of the decision makers of state money systems is to separate people from reality at a bedrock philosophical level. They seek to build a false economic and philosophical intellectual structure with it that is so massive, most people don’t or can’t see it. Their plan is world-wide enslavement of all people. 

Since most people operate their lives through mimicry, that is, seeing what most other people do with their lives, and how they achieve those ends (going into debt for college, getting a job, buying a house with debt, funding vacations and other large and small purchases with debt), they end up using state money systems not realizing that they are implicitly buying into the philosophy of non-ownership that is its basis.

Then the hooks are set, the slavery has begun. This type of monetary system slavery is addictive like a drug, and is exceptionally seductive. “You will own nothing and you will be happy,” is their newest enticing mantra. The problem is that real happiness is based on responsibility through ownership. This is what gives life its meaning in some sense. The economic philosophy of state monetary systems is deeply flawed, to the point of being anti-truth. 

In a money system where a third party controls the price of money, known as the interest rate, even earned money doesn’t belong to the earner. It is merely possessed at the whims of the interest rate controller and government money counterfeiters. This philosophy of non-ownership means no one actually owns their money.

A mark of true property is that no third part can tax it, regardless of how much coercion they might exert. Even if the owner of the property is murdered, true ownership stays with the rightful owner. True ownership fully re-unites property and owner. This subtle, yet exceptionally important distinction between possession and ownership, applies tremendous leverage at the philosophical level. It ousts the economic philosophy of, “No one is allowed to own anything” from the belief systems of people, bringing them back into contact with reality.

When I considered shifting from having third parties keep custody of my buying power in the form of dollars (PayPal or my credit union), to taking custody of it in the form of bitcoin, I felt tremendously intimidated. I had been so thoroughly trained to trust other people with my buying power that it felt very risky to take 100% responsibility for my money. 

And yet, when my wife and I shifted a significant amount of our buying power into our personal bitcoin wallet, I felt a palpable inner shift in my emotions that I hadn’t expected. What I’ve come to realize is that by taking action to shift our buying power from third party fiat to self-custodial bitcoin, we made a material shift in the depths of our belief system.

We departed from the fiat trained lie that, “You are incapable of taking ownership of your money without losing it all,” to the truth that, “My wife and I are fully capable of taking ownership of our money”, and that, “We are better owners of money than any third party”. 

Making this transition was a radical practical shift in our economic philosophy. It had, and continues to have, profound positive effects intrinsically and extrinsically, while taking economic stress and dysfunction out of our marriage, relationships, and life choices. 

Why Bitcoin Economic Philosophy is an Upgrade to Life

The closer a person’s economic philosophy adheres to reality, the less suffering they will experience. This is because an economic philosophy that is true, matches the spiritual, psychological, physical, and interpersonal fundamental design of every person. Since God gave each person the ability to select what they believe, and therefore what they will feel and how they will act, some people opt for a virtual life based in part, or completely, on lies. Those lies, once bought into through action, introduce dysfunction into people’s lives. 

Others will choose an economic philosophy of truth that leads to productive and fulfilling outcomes. 

The bedrock economic philosophy of the ideal and most true monetary system is:

  1. You are an owner. 

  2. You are capable of being an effective owner. 

  3. You can take responsibility for what you own.

  4. No person owns your economic choices but you. 

  5. No one can be held responsible for your economic choices. 

  6. I cannot be held responsible for your economic choices, because I am not you and you are not me. 

  7. Property is ownership, not theft. 

  8. Your economic problems are not my economic responsibility, and neither are my economic problems your responsibility. 

  9. Taking responsibility for your poor economic selections, and foisting responsibility for my economic decisions upon you, is exceptionally toxic economically interpersonal enmeshment and codependendence, which dishonors you and me.

  10. A functional and healthy person takes 100% personal responsibility for their economic philosophy and decision making, which is self-honoring and consequently honoring of other people. 

  11. The more closely an economic system is integrated with reality, the more its participants will benefit from it spiritually, psychologically, kinesthetically, intrapersonally, interpersonally, socially, and economically. 

To this day, the monetary system which most closely aligns with this belief system of economic philosophy is Bitcoin. For instance, I cannot own or manipulate or steal your self-custodied bitcoin unless you neglect your responsibility. I cannot inflate away your bitcoin buying power.

The Bitcoin ledger is perfect economic information because it is open to verification by anyone at any time for any reason. Additionally, any person can take self-custody of their Bitcoin without having to ask permission from a third party to do so, and they can trade their Bitcoin to any other person. No third party can stop the economic interaction. 

Not only does the Bitcoin system expect you to self-custody your bitcoin — it demands it. If you think you own bitcoin without possessing the private keys, you are believing a lie. The party which possesses the keys can select to trade or keep it, and you have no recourse to their selections about that bitcoin. People run headlong into this harsh reality if they choose to resist the governments they live under, when the government then chooses to freeze or confiscate their money, whatever their rationale for it might be. 

If a monetary system is undergirded by an economic philosophy born from reality, it is hard money, because it is true. If not, that monetary system is built on sand and it will be destroyed when, not if, it encounters reality. Unreality based monetary systems, regardless of how good they might seem, are exceptionally fragile because they don’t actually exist.


Level 3: Money as Psychological Substance

As noted, when I shifted our bitcoin into self-custody, it dramatically improved my emotional state. 

Feelings and emotions are the product of what a person believes and does. The economic system a person selects to participate in, along with its belief system, cannot avoid modifying a person’s psychological state. Since most people make economic selections based on how they feel, it behooves us to seek to understand money as psychological substance. 

Money and the monetary system it operates within are training devices and apparatus for billions of people. People operate within the spiritual and philosophical system of beliefs that undergird the psychology of money. This creates an implicit and explicit training program, that metes out reward for those who align themselves with it at a psychological level — an act of internalization, socialization, and human programming. 

Public school is the same thing as saying government narrative school. Where the fiat money system is most influential, you will find incompetent or overwhelmed teachers and administrations, since the foundation, incentives, and constraints of a fiat system are built fundamentally on theft, not ownership. This produces a system of training in government schools that is propagandistically driven, rather than competence driven. 

When educational institutions use a monetary system that is based in reality, it incentivizes professors and administrators who use their skills to cater to the best interests of the primary stakeholder, which is the student. Wholeness in the monetary system frees people who work in schools to focus on helping students produce outcomes that are conducive to competence and character development.

Students emerge having been deeply and effectively trained in problem solving and critical thinking. This kind of psychological output in educational institutions helps educators and students feel justifiably good, because they have accomplished something meaningful and full of integrity.

A school can be an extraordinary context for training formidable and forthright individuals who bring powerfully positive contributions to society. But this outcome is made far, far more likely if the monetary system being used to finance it is real, because it is very difficult to operate in contradiction to the implicit and explicit beliefs driving a monetary system.

Real money incentivizes results, and fake money incentivizes compliance. Results bring real value to others, while compliance in alignment with fiat money produces destruction that is hellishly anti-human. 

Since a monetary system and the numbers that represent it are a massive training device for the many people who use it, it’s going to give rise to certain norms and values accordingly. As an educator I’ve learned that students only study for how they will be assessed. By and large, people are driven by their need to survive and their desires to thrive, and money represents access to those outcomes. Therefore, people are statistically more likely to act in a fashion that brings them the income they want and need, regardless of how it degrades them or elevates them. 

For instance, if the government pays people to sit on their asses instead of working, then more people are going to do that. But if the government stopped paying for people to do nothing, and the only other option was to become a productive member of the market, then more people would apply to jobs, start businesses, and become more productive.

Fiat vs Bitcoin

Since Bitcoin is energy that is monetized based on first principles, it’s much harder to continue to engage in conscience-violating behaviors, because in this system reality and conscience are pulling in the same psychological direction, which is towards effective production. 

In a Bitcoin system, people use real money, as opposed to government printed fiat money. In the Bitcoin system, it’s far harder to escape the emotional and practical reality based penalties for making decisions that consume rather than produce revenue and profit.

The deflating nature of Bitcoin as a reality-based money based on proof-of-work, rather than a ledger of debts that fiat systems are built upon, means that two people can negotiate the real cost of money, as opposed to the artificial cost of money. This ideally means that the person who stewards a loan of bitcoin well, using it to create profit, benefits from the fruits of their labor.

This also means that the entrepreneur takes most of, if not all the risk, along with the loaner. Since there is no third party, i.e. the government, involved in this situation, there is no chance for the losses from poor entrepreneurial decisions making to be socialized. The financier and the entrepreneur bear the risk of failure together, which puts emotional and social pressure on them to make effective choices, and to correct their mistakes rapidly, or risk abject and even catastrophic failure.

Real exposure to real failure on the other side of poor choices is an excellent trainer, that makes it hard for people to escape from the lessons they need to learn. I know, because I’ve experienced it myself many times. 

On the flip side, in a fiat money system based on no ownership (which then means no responsibility), people are incentivized to personalize the profits and socialize the losses. In such a system, there is little if any reality-based and market-based risk of failure, because the participants don’t pay the price for their lack of effective decision making. This incentivizes and implicitly endorses extreme incompetence, or even worse, exceptionally evil and parasitic behavior that destroys other people.

Arrogance, character degradation, unhealthy and dysfunctional interpersonal boundaries, escapism, ignorance and deception are all incentivized in a fiat money system, because surviving and thriving are not about producing something of real value. Rather, it’s about pleasing the fiat money stakeholders in government. It’s a world of heartless manipulation, coldness, stealing, and destruction.

In this context, a person’s identity becomes completely externalized to what they own, what they’ve done, and/or what other people think of them. It is as Stephen R. Covey would say, the thick of thin things. Absolute meaninglessness and absurdity would abound, and hope would die. That’s how dangerous the fiat money system is to everyone’s psychological, practical, and organizational well-being. 

In a sound money system, people find themselves inspired to take decisions and actions that better their future, based on real outcomes, either positive or negative. Cause and effect relationships become clearer when people experience the outcomes of their actions. 

In the fiat monetary system based on unreal, deceptive philosophies, with money that’s losing its buying power, the natural incentive is to borrow to live. People would reasonably think and behave as if there is no tomorrow, because there would actually be less and less hope for a better future. Eat, drink, and be merry, because tomorrow we die, becomes the culturally dominant attitude. 

The psychological substances produced through these two economic training systems leads to very different outcomes for the participants.


Level 4: Money as Physical Substance 

The bedrock of sound money in physical reality is energy that can be measured. The degree to which money is made to align with the laws of physics is the degree to which it is practically real. When a money is made real to the degree that it becomes the practical denominator of trade that represents to people a specific unit of value, the energy and value of that money operate as one in the eyes of the users. 

The substance and form of physics, spirit, philosophy, and psychology cannot be separated, and therefore operate as one in reality. If people seek to separate them from one another, they bring pain and suffering upon themselves and those around them. Therefore it behooves people to notice what’s most real about money at a physics level, so as to modify their inner and outer posture to align with it. 

For instance, some physical principles of money are: 

  1. Bounded money can hold infinite value because its energy is real.

  2. Unbounded money cannot retain its value because its energy is too dispersed.

  3. Energy is the physical bedrock of hard money upon which value is layered. 

Bounded money comes in different forms, but the physical principles work the same. For the roughly 100 years leading to the early 19th century, most nations were united on a gold standard. This worked fundamentally, because there was a limited supply of gold that could be mined, which meant the supply remained relatively steady. This enabled individuals to monetize gold, because its bounded existence enabled it to hold relatively infinite value. 

Unfortunately, when governments in the early 19th century wanted to spend more money than they owned, multiple governments abandoned the gold standard that backed their monetary systems. That enabled them to print essentially infinite monetary notes. Since gold as a bounded energy was removed, nothing was left other than economic inertia to undergird the value of their monetary systems, and then their money systems began to decline in value. 

The energy of gold that people had monetized through trade was separated from those governments’ monetary systems, introducing theft into the system. The elements necessary for a monetary system to hold value were separated, causing the value in it to evaporate, because it was no longer real, but unreal. And what is composed of unreality has no material value, because it is something that doesn’t exist trying to pretend it exists, notwithstanding people’s perception of its value.

Basically, the difference between when such money can hold value, to the point where it is virtually worthless, is the amount of time it takes for people to become aware of the separation of energy from value. This introduces boundlessness and absolute chaos. 

When energy can be put into a discrete unit that is physically and mathematically measureable, it can hold infinite value because the energy that is bounded doesn’t cease to exist in that form. (For bitcoin, it goes from electrical energy to cryptographic energy that can be monetized.) It is physically real, therefore any sentient observer cannot deny its discreet and real existence without separating from reality at all levels previously detailed in this article. To continue to deny monetary reality leads to certain kinds of destruction. 

The resistance of a person to admitting that discreet, mathematically measurable energy in money form is real, damages their spiritual, psychological, and physical being down to a genetic and quantum level. It even damages their ability to effectively use their imagination to take a course of action that leads to human flourishing.

If a person instead decides to admit that the discreet and mathematically measurable energy of money they observe is real, they retain and even grow in their ability to notice energy and value in other places, which enhances their ability to make shrewder choices that helps lead to desired outcomes. 

The opposite is also true. If a person, noticing that the bounded energy of a monetary system has been removed, selects to treat it as if it can retain its value, it will induce disintegration into their spiritual, psychological, and physical being that will also bleed into their relationships. Their denial of the lack of energetic reality that once undergirded the monetary system they’ve been operating within will break that person, and they will experience suffering as a result. You don’t break the law. The law breaks you. It therefore behooves that person to seek a more energy bounded and supported monetary system to participate in, so as to retain their inner sense of peace, authenticity, and joy. 



If a person and society and government decide to reject monetary spiritual, philosophical, psychological, and physical reality by building a centralized system based on, “People are not allowed to own things”, it must by necessity come to nothing because its controllers are resisting reality. History testifies to the truth of this by giving us example after example of how this way of doing things plays out, which is in abject failure. 

Bitcoin, as opposed to a reality resisting fiat system, is based in reality. It aims, in some sense, to become truth as a protocol, which people can use to build a new world. This new world, overflowing in realness, cannot help but bring out the best in people if those people want what is good.

Those who resist reality must fall, while those who embrace reality are giving themselves the best chance to succeed. This success looks like human flourishing, like Heaven on Earth, and like real freedom for all people, because no one can stop another person from taking responsibility for themselves.

Because this monetary system maximizes ownership, the result is a beautiful world of personal responsibility, which produces meaning and value. Since taking realistic responsibility is where happiness is created, sound money in the form of bitcoin enables every person on Earth to build their kingdom of peace and joy.

This is the future coming our way. 


Levi Johnson is a husband, adventurer, and author who has taught in South Korea, China, and Saudi Arabia. Having been raised in Northern California, Levi is an avid traveler who seeks to connect with people around the United States and the world through coaching, Korean language speaking, and helping people see what's most real to make better choices. You can usually find Levi and his wife in the Northwest United States at a coffee shop, typing away.